Roger Monksummers


01747 822202

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please send "Latest news", comments, queries or questions via the email link above

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11th July 2024

   Camelot Postal - 2024

"Mega Thanks" and well done to all competitors and their "club" staff for a great Autumn / Spring season of the Camelot Competition.

FINAL SCORES and Medals List ~

"Air Pistol - 6yds & 10m"
"Rifle - 10m"
"Rifle - 6yds" - PCP
"Rifle - 6yds" - Springer

Medals will be at the GBScouts - TST training at LRC on Sat.13th July
and then again with the GBScouts Team during the JI.
Post JI I (RogM) will sort out those still to be distributed.

For details of a mini-Camelot for the Autumn watch this page!

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14th Feb. 2020

SAR Rules - "Part 2"....

I have been asked can a standing shooters forward hand touch the trigger guard. The answer comes from ISSF rules.... Standing

j) The right hand may not touch the left hand, left arm or the left side of the shooting jacket.
(note - elsewhere is a rule that tells you to "reverse" for left handed shooters).

So.... whilst hands cannot touch one another there is no rule, ISSF or NSRA(SAR), that the front hand on the stock cannot touch the trigger guard.
note -  under NSRA(SAR) rules, if the shooter has a handstop fitted, they may leave it on for standing
( is part of weight check) but hand may not go so far forward it touches, i.e. "uses" it !

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14th Feb. 2020

SAR Rules

SAR rules can be found by going back to the opening page, go low and centre, "bingo" you have a link to the latest rules.

I publish this reminder as I am finding people moving outside the rules, often because they are given incorrect information or beleive rumours.... If in doubt ask....

As a taster.... (the highlighting I have added)

1.2 Purpose of Rules
The purpose of these rules is to establish a single national standard rulebook for 3P Air Rifle & SAR competition in the United Kingdom.
All competitors, team leaders and competition officials must be familiar with these rules and ensure that they are enforced.
These rules may be used to govern any 3P Air Rifle or SAR competition, whether it is a major national event or a smaller club level event.

1.3 Intent and Spirit of Rules
The rules are intended to ensure fair competition for all.
Anything that may give a competitor an advantage over others and which is not specifically authorized in these rules, or which is contrary to the intent and spirit of these rules, is prohibited.
Range Officers and Juries may decide cases not provided for in these rules, but any such decisions must be based on the intent and spirit of these rules.
No decision by a Range Officer or Jury may be made that is contrary to these rules.

note - I will be at BOAG and the Judge for SAR classes, I do have a concern that clothing can be an issue so have circulated as best possible the appropriate rules

3.1.5 Use of Special Equipment

Any rifles, devices, equipment, accessories or apparel that could give a competitor an advantage over others, that are not mentioned in these rules or that are contrary to the spirit of these rules are prohibited.

The use of any special devices, means or garments that immobilize, provide artificial support or unduly reduce the flexibility of the competitor’s legs, body or arms is prohibited.

The competitor is responsible for submitting equipment to competition officials for inspection in cases where doubt exists.

Competition Officials have the right to examine the competitor’s equipment at any time to be sure it complies with these Rules.

plus... Trousers must not fit so tightly as to provide additional support. One pair of ordinary sport or casual trousers or jeans or shorts is allowed.

What this means is.... trousers that are of a material that sits tight to the skin are not allowed - I am aware that some shooters are still wearing trousers that "hug" to their legs, NOT ALLOWED!
The test is a simple one, hold the trouser leg between a finger and thumb and lift away from the skin, on release it should remain clear of the skin, if it "pings back" or is of such a tight fit it will not move away from the skin, go change into a looser trouser!

The use of coloured filters within sights is also an area subject to misunderstandings, see Rule 3.2.8, and the answer is "No", not allowed.

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Shooter, Manager, Coach and RO attention is drawn to the following safety related ISSF rules which must be used for all meetings.
It is strongly recommended that they also be used as safety best practice during all training sessions.
(note "Safety Flags" are what is commonly known in the UK as "Breach Flags") Safety flags must be inserted in all rifles, pistols and semi-automatic shotguns at all times other than during authorized dry firing or live firing on a firing point. The purpose of safety flags is to visibly demonstrate when gun actions are open and guns are unloaded. To demonstrate that air rifles and air pistols are unloaded, the safety flag must be long enough to extend through the full length of the barrel.
• If a safety flag is not used as required by this rule, a Jury Member must give a WARNING with instructions to insert a safety flag in the gun.
• If the Jury confirms that an athlete refuses to use a safety flag as required by this rule and after being warned, the athlete must be disqualified. When placing a gun down to leave the firing point or when firing is complete, all guns must be unloaded with actions (bolt or locking mechanism) open and safety flags inserted. Before leaving a firing point, the athlete must ascertain and the Range Officer must verify that there is no cartridge or pellet in the gun’s chamber, barrel or magazine and a safety flag is inserted. The handling of guns is not permitted and safety flags must be inserted when any personnel are forward of the firing line.

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Target Heights

To answer a recent query, target heights for 3P Air Rifle, both Precision and SAR, can be found in SAR rules - follow link from opening page for full copy.
The UK heights are the same as the USA rules, from which our rules were extracted, with the minimuim of modifications necessary for UK needs, i.e.

5.5.4 Target Heights
Target holders on the range must facilitate the placement of the targets at the correct height.
Correct target heights, when measured from the level of the firing point to the centre of the target are:
Prone position 0.5 meters (19.7 in.) (± 10 cm. or 4 in.)
Standing position 1.4 meter (55 in.) (± 5 cm. or 2 in.)
Kneeling position 0.8 meters (31.5 in.) (± 10 cm. or 4 in.)

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Shooting SAR in Postal Leagues

When shooting SAR in Postal Leagues all NSRA and individual leagues rules apply.

The following additional "Best Practice" is also recommended ~

League Organiser - 
Accept entries in the normal manner.
Allocate shooters to divisions etc, as per your normal routine,
using SAR averages if shooter has both a precision and an SAR average
In all documentation add, after the shooters name , " (SAR) "  -  e.g. J.Bloggs (SAR).
Require the witness for shot cards to endorse SAR on the cards and confirm SAR rules complied with.

Shooters -
On initial entry declare you are shooting "Sporter Air Rifle".
Submit your SAR ave. for ranking purposes if you have both a precision and an SAR ave.
When shooting ask your witness to not only witness complance with normal postal rules,
but also SAR rules, and then to endorse & sign all cards as SAR rules complied.
Send an email copy of results to the SAR Manager - see above.

Problems, Questions or Queries -
email as above or call Roger Monksummers on 01747 822202

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